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Todd E. Hudson is a professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine, holding cross-appointments in Neurology, and also in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering.
Prof. Hudson is a Computational Neuroscientist whose research focuses on: (a) developing novel biomarkers for neurological disease and neurodegenerative disorders, (b) creating advanced Bayesian analytical methods in biomedical research, and (c) modeling sensory and motor control/interaction, particularly eye and arm movements in healthy and disease states. He received his training at the Clarence Graham Memorial Laboratory of Visual Science at Columbia University with Prof. Leonard Matin, and has taught statistics, engineering design for disability, perception and sensory processes, experimental design, and/or advanced topics in neurobiology and behavior at several major universities, including Brandeis University, New York University, and Columbia University.
In addition to his academic work, he co-founded and serves as Chief Scientific Advisor to Tactile Navigation Tools, LLC, which develops navigation aids for the visually impaired, and is the founder of Third Eye Technologies , which develops low cost laboratory- and clinical-grade eyetracking technologies.

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